Importance of Educational Counselling


Importance of Educational Counselling

As the worldwide known educator Marc Prensky puts it, “The children of the 21st century cannot be raised with the skills of the 20th century.” Education is a pretty long process which starts from the pre-school period and whose foundations are laid at the very early ages. The most important point in this process is to take the right decisions at the right time in order to raise happy and productive individuals who shape the future by using the educational strategies, technologies and methodologies of the age, think universally, assume responsibilities and are aware of their interests and abilities.

Educational counselling has currently gained further importance at this point. Choice of the right profession is a key to be successful in the future. Professional choices in the education journey bring along life choices as well. The school you want to study in, the program you want to prefer, the country you want to live in is in parallel with accurate steering of the future of your country and your own life.

Finding the right school or college for success is also a journey for a student to find himself. Educational counselling paves new ways for students. The needs must be analysed and identified accurately and students’ potentials must be clearly found out in the first place. A conscious professional guidance is of utmost importance at this very point.

Why do students need educational counselling?:

  • Setting the right career plans based on their interests and preferences
  • Getting a fund for their personal and professional developments
  • Being able to perform a self-assessment
  • Identifying their academic objectives
  • Discovering their potentials
  • Getting to know different cultures
  • Improving their skills
Importance of Educational Counselling